Horizontal lines can imply peace and relaxation as they are as if they are lying down asleep.
Vertical lines, however, imply power and strength as they are rising up. They also imply potential energy as they can be tall and will release a lot of energy if they fall.
Then, there are diagonal lines which imply instability, as they look as they are a vertical line mid way into falling over. They means they also suggest uncontrolled power. Diagonal lines make photographs dramatic.
Curved lines, much like straight lines, imply peace, however, they have a sense of unpredictability as they are changing direction between points. They also express fluid, smooth movement.
An effective technique in photography is leading lines. Leading lines, such as those used in the image below, are prominent lines in a photo that are designed to lead you to a certain place in the photograph. This is very effective if you have a impressive background which you would like to draw attention to such as the one below.
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