Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Definition - Reflection

A reflection is a mirror of an image. The mirrored image is identical, only it has been flipped around, so it is the exact opposite of the other image. This creates one perfectly symmetrical image.
Here is an example of a reflection to better explain what reflection is. As you can see, there is a cat standing on a mirror, which is a reflective device. Inside the mirror, you can see the exact same image of the cat as you can see with the actual kitten, however it has been inverted, creating a perfectly symmetrical image. You can also get reflections where you cannot see the original image symmetrical image as it is not touching it.

Here is an example of this. As you can see, there are not two instances of the image like in the photograph above, but only the reflected one, which is an inverted version of the original image. 

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