This is my favourite of the three joiners I made.
I like the fact a person was used in the image, as it creates an interesting form that you can manipulate to create a very broken up and distorted joiner image. I also liked the fact you could see past the studio background, as there are more things to the side of it that created interesting broken up forms. I feel that this added variation to my set of joiners, as it was the only one which involved people and was taken int he studio. I think this joiner benefited from me not using a tripod as I was able to physically able to move the camera and get different viewpoints.
This is my least favourite of the three joiners I made.
If I were to create photo joiners again, I would try to experiment more with capturing people in my joiners, which I only did in one joiner. I would like to try incorporating props with the people in my pictures to try and create a few different visible pictures within the joiner.
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