This image is an example of a composite image. This is considered composite as the woman in the image is lifting a car up with one hand to let a boy get a football that was under it. The car was imposed into the image through Photoshop, which you can tell as the it is a computer generated image of a car.
This is an example of an image that has been manipulated through software. The image was likely taken with the man laying on the floor over the yellow lines and the yellow tape glued down onto the yellow lines so it appears they come out of the yellow lines on the floor. The person who made this probably used a spot healing or clone brush to turn the yellow lines on the floor into concrete so that it appears that the yellow lines come out of the floor, over his head and back into the floor again.
This image has been heavily manipulated in photoshop. The person who made this image likely took the image in a studio then opened it on photoshop and used the Liquify tool to distort parts of the person's face.
The image above is almost completely composite. While the image of the road and the cars may be real, The waves we're imposed into the image. The waves look as if they have been entirely created through VFX and were imposed around the image of the road. There is also a figure of moses in the bottom right which has been added into the image.
This image is an image that has been manipulated. The image uses a real pear that has had a section cut out of it. It has then has a light bulb superimposed into the hole and the screw part of the bulb has been imposed onto the top part of the pear so that it appears the whole pear is a lightbulb and the stalk is growing out of the bottom of the bulb.
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